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What happens if my payment by check is late?

Please note: National Nonprofits accepts payment by check ONLY for the Growing Team ($199/month) and Unlimited ($499/month) plans. See pricing.

Pay-As-You-Go plans ($99/listing) must be paid using a credit card or PayPal.

If you choose to pay for your team plan by check, it must be received by National Nonprofits within 10 business days of the date you purchased and posted the job listing. If your check is not received within 10 business days, your job listings will be taken down (set to 'Inactive') until the payment is received, at which time the job listings will again be made available to the public (returned to 'Active' status).

The 30-day listing period will not be altered or extended in any way due to a late check. In other words, the 30-day listing period begins the day the listing is posted and ends 30 days later, regardless of whether 5 days of the 30-day period were lost due to a late payment.

It is your responsibility to ensure that payments are received on time if you opt for the pay by check option.

If you need further assistance: