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How do I change or cancel my plan?

Upgrade Your Plan

If you are on a Pay-As-You-Go plan and would like to upgrade to a monthly or yearly plan, simply follow the prompts in your dashboard. Log in, go to My Account and then click on Buy More Credits or Save with a Monthly Subscription.

Downgrade or Cancel Your Subscription

If you are on a monthly subscription and would like to downgrade back to a Pay-As-You-Go plan, go to My Account, scroll down the page to the My Plan heading and click on the Cancel Plan link and then indicate what you would like to do.

The 'Cancel Plan' form includes space for comments so that you can explain how you would like to change your plan and what type of plan you'd like to downgrade to. Please include any preferences or questions in the form. Our team will review your account and either confirm within 24 hours that your request has been processed and $X amount will be refunded, respond to your questions, or request further clarification if necessary.

If you need further assistance: