In Mexico, we work with two types of immigrant populations. Our first population of participants are migrants from Latin American countries who have made efforts to gain their official permanent residency status. We are working to help them achieve economic inclusion as they start and grow their microenterprises in Mexico. The second population is Mexicans who have been working in the US, have sent back remittances and many have returned after many years away to create businesses. An important part of this binational population is those in the US who are sending remittances to support their families. We are helping families with remittances to grow their own businesses. Both these populations have significant difficulties in obtaining full economic and financial inclusion in the Mexican economy. IDEAS has significant skills in training and technical assistance that are improving their abilities to succeed. Most entrepreneurs that we work with are women who face even greater challenges.
We are working to encourage more financial institutions to open their doors to lend to these important populations.
IDEAS has many formal and informal organizational allies that are assisting us with this important, innovative, and precedent setting work. While based in Puebla and Mexico City, our virtual and hybrid strategy reaches entrepreneurs across Mexico and beyond. Our recent trainings have reached participants in almost half of the 32 Mexican states.
The demand is growing for our training and assistance to microentrepreneurs. This means that we are seeking additional funding through opening another position for a bilingual fundraising consultant who will work with our current Mexican consultants.
Our web pages and describes our innovative program in helping refugees to get training, technical assistance and access to a variety of financial services.
IDEAS operates with a core team complemented by associate consultants in a variety of countries. We are pioneers in impact investing. IDEAS has created and advised entities in each part of the impact investment value chain. We been consultants to investors, investment funds, social enterprises and those grassroots organizations that are generating impact in their communities. We are experts in a diversity of evaluation methodologies and have taught on 4 continents.
We carried out a wide variety of consulting services, including solar energy, microfranchising, market research, microfinance, rural economic development, business development services, organizational development, and strategic planning.
We have done many types of training for practitioners and professionals. We have had a strong emphasis in capacity building for women and youth around the world. Our team has taught graduate students in universities on three continents.