Finding the right job at the right nonprofit isn't necessarily an easy task - unless you know where to look. Similarly, finding the right employee for your nonprofit's open positions can also be a real challenge.
The Right Fit Matters
We all want to find the perfect fit: An employee who excels at their job, loves what they do, and is a dedicated and loyal advocate for the organization and its mission. The 'right employee' is seeking an organization where they "belong", have a rewarding long-term career path, and feel enthusiastic and fulfilled in their work.
When this happens, it's a perfect fit - and becomes a mutually beneficial relationship that can last for many years.
Research suggests that in the nonprofit world, alignment with an organization's mission is a key component of job satisfaction. A Brookings Institute survey (as cited in The Chronicle of Philanthropy) found that only 16% of nonprofit employees report coming to work for the paycheck, in comparison to 47% of for-profit workers. And 97% of nonprofit workers reported that they "accomplish something worthwhile through their jobs" - a very high indication of job satisfaction.
Top Nonprofit Job Sites
We recommend that nonprofits use specialized nonprofit job sites to find candidates who are the right fit for the position. A candidate interested in the nonprofit sector and with a passion for your organization's mission is more likely to be searching on nonprofit-specific job boards.
For job seekers, nonprofit job boards allow for a faster and more focused search, with the capacity to browse for jobs by issue or focus area, location and job function.
Top 6 Nonprofit Job Boards
- National Nonprofits. Choose from thousands of great jobs at reputable nonprofits across the U.S., categorized by focus area or job function. Or do a custom search and then get job alerts by email based on your specific criteria.
- Idealist. This site has thousands of job openings, internships and volunteer opportunities at a wide variety of nonprofits both in the U.S. and abroad.
- National Council of Nonprofits. The job board of the National Council of Nonprofits contains hundreds of job listings at nonprofits in the U.S.
- Chronicle of Philanthropy. Here you can find hundreds of jobs at nonprofits around the country, including many executive positions.
- ExecSearches. This website specializes in executive positions at nonprofit organizations across the country, with hundreds of options.
- DevEx. Interested in working overseas? The best job board for you will be DevEx, which specializes in international development jobs.
While this list is not exhaustive (there are plenty of other nonprofit job boards out there) these are the websites with the largest number of active job listings as of October 2017.
If you're looking for a job in a particular state, you may also want to seek out that state's nonprofit association which will often have a job board with local listings.
While Indeed, The Muse, Glassdoor and LinkedIn all have some nonprofit jobs listed, they cast a wide net into the endless sea of job seekers - many of whom may simply be looking for a job, any job, anywhere.
When a candidate is not aligned with an organization's core values, they're less likely to stick around. A more lucrative offer can easily lure them away or they simply won't excel at the position because they're not excited about the work.
Whether you are recruiting for a position at your organization or searching for a job, we wish you the best in finding the right fit!