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Staten Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.

Staten Island, NY, USA
Areas of Focus: 
About Us

SICIL's mission is to provide all individuals with the information, life skills training, and facilitative assistance which contributes to independence, individuality, and integration in the community and provides the skills and knowledge necessary to function in the least restrictive, personally fulfilling, most self-reliant, and productive manner. SICIL is committed to providing the support, information, and resources necessary for people with disabilities to enjoy lives determined by their choices and preferences.


The Staten Island Center for Independent Living is the only comprehensive multi-service provider in the borough that is primarily staffed and governed by individuals who have personal experience with disability. It is the borough's only not-for-profit agency providing services to individuals of all ages and all levels of disability. SICIL provides services to over thirteen hundred consumers annually.

Our organization provides education advocacy, health advocacy, employment advocacy, commerce advocacy, social advocacy and citizenship advocacy. Our efforts have resulted in changes in legislation and policy changes in all of these areas and our advocacy efforts are ongoing.
