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Issue One

Washington D.C., DC, USA
About Us

Fixing our political system and building a democracy that works for everyone


Issue One is the leading crosspartisan political reform group in Washington, D.C.

We unite Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to fix our broken political system and build an inclusive democracy that works for everyone.

Our mission is more critical than ever: Our democratic republic is under greater stress than it has been in generations, as the fates of democracies all over the world face uncertain futures.

We educate the public and work to pass legislation on Capitol Hill to bolster U.S. elections, strengthen ethics and accountability, increase government transparency, and reduce the corrosive influence of big money in politics.

No major political reform has passed Congress without support from both political parties in the past 70 years. That’s why we work in a crosspartisan manner — inside and outside of Congress — on all of our priorities.

Our work is powered by our ReFormers Caucus of nearly 200 former members of Congress, governors, and Cabinet officials, the largest bipartisan coalition of its kind ever assembled to advocate for our democracy. Our National Council on Election Integrity is the leading bipartisan voice on protecting elections and combating efforts to undermine our democratic process.
