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How do I edit my job listing?

To edit your job listing, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click the My Account link at the top of the page
  3. You'll now see your dashboard. Scroll down to the Jobs Posted heading
  4. Click on the title of the job you'd like to edit
  5. When viewing the job description you can now click on the blue Edit button in the bottom left corner of your screen
  6. You can now edit any of the fields in the job listing. Please make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the screen after making your edits, and click the Update Job button
  7. Refresh your screen. The edits should now be public.

Note: There is a cache set up for this site to improve performance and page load speed. You should see changes to your job listing immediately, however it may take up to 15 minutes for a new listing or edited listing to appear in the relevant job search results.

If you need further assistance: